Over 70% of Australians over 40 suffer from snoring, and for some patients, snoring is an indicator of Obstructive Sleep Apoea.
Unfortunately, many cases of sleep apnea are undiagnosed as the referral pathway to get a sleep study is complicated and expensive. Also, many people find the sleep study process uncomfortable and complex.
At Shepherds Hill Dental Centre, we’ve partnered with 3D sleep Diagnostics for a far more simple and comfortable means for evaluating sleep quality and whether you might be suffering from sleep apnea. The device resembles a fitness tracker which uploads the data to an app and results are sent to our clinic within days. If there are issues identified we can organise a telehealth referral pathway to an ENT specialist to walk through the results to see if a dental appliance called Mandibular Advancement Splint is the right solution for you.
If sleep quality, snoring of tooth grinding are a concern to you (or your partner!), book a consultation with Dr Jasper or Dr Renee today: Book Today